Oktober 10, 2016

(Available in English)
Rabbi Alon Anava, yang mengajar di seluruh dunia, sedang mempersiapkan orang Yahudi untuk sang Mesias, di wawancara minggu kemarin oleh Tamar Yonah dari Israel News Talk Radio mengenai beberapa skenario bagaimana Tuhan akan membawa keselamatan terakhir. Dia berbicara bagi Yahudi dan non-Yahudi apa yang harus dilakukan sekarang untuk menghindari akibat yang terburuk.
Rabbi Anava mengatakan ada tiga skenario yang buruk. Dia berbicara panjang lebar mengenai bintang kontroversial Nibiru. Jika Nibiru adalah skenario pilihan TUHAN untuk membawa keselamatan terakhir, maka “Dua pertiga dunia akan tenggelam”
Maka di seluruh negeri, demikianlah firman TUHAN, dua pertiga dari padanya akan dilenyapkan, mati binasa, tetapi sepertiga dari padanya akan tinggal hidup. Zakaria 13:8
Dia juga mengatakan “Ada nubuatan tentang akan adanya perang 11 detik. Hanya perang Nuklir yang bisa terjadi”, China, Iran, Russia dan Korea adalah empat musuh utama Amerika, dia juga mengatakan adanya kemungkinan salah satu negara ini menyerang dengan serangan EMP (elektromagnet pulse) di Amerika, membuatnya kembali ke abad 18 karena seluruh elektronik akan menjadi rusak.
Ketika di tanya apakah ada hubungan antara Pemilu Amerika Serikat dengan akhir zaman, dia berkata “Tentu pemilu ada hubungannya dengan akhir zaman. Mesias sudah ada di depan pintu dan dengan setiap kejadian yang kita lihat.. kau cukup buka kitab suci dari 2000 tahun yang lalu dan ini seperti membaca koran. Semuanya sudah tertulis.
Semuanya sudah di prediksi. Semuanya sudah dinubuatkan.”
“Secara pribadi, saya pikir tidak akan terjadi pemilu. Saya rasa mereka akan mengumumkan darurat militer sebelum pemilu terjadi. Mungkin saja serangan teror, kehancuran ekonomi, kerusuhan. Enam puluh juta Amerika mendapatkan bantuan makanan pemerintah. Jika ini dihentikan selama cukup satu bulan, maka kau akan mendapatkan enam puluh juta Amerika di jalan jalan membuat kerusuhan.
Ini membuat Darurat Militer terjadi dengan mudah.”
Ada ajaran Yahudi kalau nubuatan positif akan terjadi tetapi nubuatan negatif bisa diganti. Jadi bagaimana Rabbi Anava mengusulkan supaya skenario yang buruk ini bisa dihentikan?
“Orang Yahudi maupun non Yahudi – kita semua harus bertobat. Kita semua harus kembali ke sumbernya. Percaya TUHAN, mengikuti Taurat dan mitzvahs (perintah Alkitab).
“Yang non-Yahudi juga harus bertobat dan berhenti melakukan yang buruk dan mereka juga harus mengikuti hukum Nuh, yang bisa di temukan dalam Taurat.
“Tidak ada perbedaan. Kita semua harus bertobat dan meyakinkan Yang Tertinggi di Alam Semesta untuk membatalkan titah-Nya. Terutama sekarang, sebelum masa liburan, bertobatlah dahulu, hentikan semua kejahatan yang kita lakukan. Behenti berbohong, berhenti berbuat curang. Jujur. Beramal. Menolong orang orang. Jangan menghakimi orang secara salah. Ikutilah Taurat – menghormati sabat, makan kosher, ini adalah saatnya kita membenahi diri.”
Jika ada banyak orang orang datang kepada Tuhan, “kita bisa mendapatkan kelonggaran untuk hukuman dan menerima keselamatan dengan sekejap, dengan cara yang baik, tidak ada perang, tidak ada masalah ata kebencian. Semuanya ada di tangan kita dan lebih cepat lebih baik, karena waktu terus berjalan.”
Ketika di tanya kemana orang orang Yahudi harus pergi, Rabbi Anava menjawab “Israel adalah tempat yang paling aman satu satunya,…inilah tanahnya TUHAN. Tidak ada apapun yang akan terjadi kepada tanah ini”
“Orang non Yahudi yang benar, selama mengikuti Tujuh Perintah Hukum Nuh, mereka akan diselamatkan. Kita memiliki janji Taurat dan Raja Daud (Mazmur 91:7). Kau harus dekat dengan Tuhan,” Rabbi Anava menekankan.
“Bukan saja saya percaya, tetapi say akan terkejut jika tidak terjadi apa apa dalam waktu beberapa minggu atau bulan. Saya tahu ini akan terjadi. Mesias akan terjadi. Sekarang adalah saatnya.”
Tamar Yonah melaporkan Breaking Israel News kalau interview dengan Rabbi Anava mendapatkan empat kali lipat traffic juga di acara Israel News Talk Radio. Walaupun ada kontroversi mengenai Nibiru, Yonah ingin membagikan ceritanya karena apa yang dia alami sewaktu kecil.
Ayah Yonah adalah yang selamat dari Holocaust (pembunuhan masal) dari Polandia yang mengatakan kepada anak anaknya ketika Zionist Russia bernama Ze’ev Jabotinsky berusaha memperingatkan orang orang Yahudi untuk keluar dari Eropa sebelum Perang Dunia 2, tetapi tidak ada yang mau mendengar dia. Bahkan dia dilarang untuk berbicara.
Dia bilang kita harus memiliki pikiran yang terbuka “Kau harus mendengar kepada seorang, walaupun terdengar gila. Kau mendengar karena hal hal gila sudah terjadi kepada dunia ini” Yonah mengatakan kepada Breaking Israel News “Saya sudah mendengar prediksi ini bertahun tahun. Saya tidak percaya tanggal. Saya terbuka mendengar. Tetapi saya orangnya seperti mari lihat dan menunggu.”
“Saya rasa kita ada sedikit laig waktu. Skenario ini butuh waktu untuk terjadi. Saya pikir kita mendekati. Siapapun yang percaya Taurat dan Alkitab bisa melihat kalau kita berada di Akhir Zaman, tetapi menurut saya tidak akan terjadi dalam tiga minggu ke depan”
Baca seterusnya: http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/76423/martial-law-will-declared-elections-end-days-rabbi/#DTF2X3puOSZPU5ii.99

Tamar Yonah told Breaking Israel News that her interview with Rabbi Anava got four times the amount of traffic as other shows on Israel News Talk Radio. Well-aware of the controversy surrounding Nibiru, Yonah related that she wanted to share the story because of a lesson she learned in childhood.
Yonah’s father was a Holocaust survivor from Poland who told his children that when Russian Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky tried to warn the Jews of Europe to leave before WWII, no one would listen to him. In many cases, he was barred from even speaking.
She recommends keeping an open mind. “You need to listen to people, no matter how crazy it sounds. You listen because crazy things happen in this world. Personally,” Yonah told Breaking Israel News, “I’ve heard these predictions throughout the years. I don’t believe the dates. I like to listen. I want to be open. But I’m of the school of ‘let’s wait and see.’”
“I think we have a bit more time. There are scenarios that need to mature. I think that we’re close. Anyone who believes in the Torah and the Bible can see that we’re in the End of Days period, but my opinion is that it’s not going to happen in the next three weeks.”
Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/76423/martial-law-will-declared-elections-end-days-rabbi/#DTF2X3puOSZPU5ii.99
Rabbi Alon Anava, who lectures all over the world, preparing Jewish people for Moshiach (Messiah), wasinterviewed last week by veteran broadcaster Tamar Yonah of Israel News Talk Radio about different scenarios for how God might bring the final redemption. He spoke about what Jews and non-Jews should be doing right now to avoid the most difficult consequences.
Rabbi Anava mentioned three particularly dark scenarios. He spoke at great length about the controversial dwarf star Nibiru. If Nibiru is the scenario by which God will bring us to the final redemption, Rabbi Anava said, “Two-thirds of the world could be underwater.”
And it shall come to pass that in all the land saith Hashem two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. Zechariah 13:8
He also said, “There are prophecies that there is going to be an 11-second war. That can only be a nuclear war.” Naming China, Iran, Russia and Korea as four major enemies of the US, he spoke about the possibility that one of these countries could attack by detonating an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) high over North America, thereby plunging it “into the 18th century by completely burning out anything that has electronics in it.”
Asked about the connection between the US presidential election and the End of Days, he remarked, “Of course the elections have to do with end of time. Moshiach is on the doorstep and every current affair that we see… you just open our [Scripture] from 2000 years ago and it’s like opening a newspaper. Everything is written. Everything was predicted. Everything was prophesied.
“Personally, I don’t think we’re going to get to the elections. I think they’re going to declare martial law way before the elections happen. Maybe a terror attack, by financial collapse, by riots. Sixty million Americans are on food stamps. Just take that away for one month and you’re going to have 60 million Americans on the streets, creating riots. That’s very easily a cause to call for martial law.”
There is a Jewish teaching that positive prophecies will come true but negative prophecies can be changed. How does Rabbi Anava suggest people can annul these dark scenarios?
“Both Jews and non-Jews alike – we all have to repent. We have to go back to our source. Believing in one God, following the Torah and mitzvahs (Biblical commandments).
“The non-Jews also have to repent and they also have to stop doing bad things and they also have to follow the laws of Noach (Noah) that you can find in the Torah.
“There’s no difference. We all have to repent and basically convince the Master of the Universe to annul all these decrees. Especially now, before the High Holidays, repenting means, first of all, stop doing any bad or evil things that we do. Stop lying. Stop cheating. Being honest. Giving charity. Helping people. No judging people the wrong way. Needless to say, following the Torah – observing the Shabbos (Sabbath), eating kosher…. This is the time to really get your act together.”
If enough people turn to God, “we do have the option of sweetening the judgement and receiving the redemption in the blink of an eye, in a sweet way, with no wars, with no problems, with no hatred. It’s all in our hands and the sooner we do it, the better, because the time is ticking.”
Asked where the Jewish people should go, Rabbi Anava unequivocally stated that “Israel is the only safe place… It’s the Land of God. Nothing is going to happen on this land.”
“Righteous gentiles, as long as they follow the Seven Laws of Noach, they’ll be saved. We have a promise from the Torah and a promise from King David [in Psalms 91:7]. You have to be close to God,” Rabbi Anava emphasized.
“Not only do I believe, I will be beyond surprised if nothing’s going to change in the next few weeks or months. I know it’s happening. Moshiach is happening. Now is the time and everybody better get their act together.”
Tamar Yonah told Breaking Israel News that her interview with Rabbi Anava got four times the amount of traffic as other shows on Israel News Talk Radio. Well-aware of the controversy surrounding Nibiru, Yonah related that she wanted to share the story because of a lesson she learned in childhood.
Yonah’s father was a Holocaust survivor from Poland who told his children that when Russian Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky tried to warn the Jews of Europe to leave before WWII, no one would listen to him. In many cases, he was barred from even speaking.
She recommends keeping an open mind. “You need to listen to people, no matter how crazy it sounds. You listen because crazy things happen in this world. Personally,” Yonah told Breaking Israel News, “I’ve heard these predictions throughout the years. I don’t believe the dates. I like to listen. I want to be open. But I’m of the school of ‘let’s wait and see.’”
“I think we have a bit more time. There are scenarios that need to mature. I think that we’re close. Anyone who believes in the Torah and the Bible can see that we’re in the End of Days period, but my opinion is that it’s not going to happen in the next three weeks.”
Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/76423/martial-law-will-declared-elections-end-days-rabbi/#DTF2X3puOSZPU5ii.99
Tamar Yonah told Breaking Israel News that her interview with Rabbi Anava got four times the amount of traffic as other shows on Israel News Talk Radio. Well-aware of the controversy surrounding Nibiru, Yonah related that she wanted to share the story because of a lesson she learned in childhood.
Yonah’s father was a Holocaust survivor from Poland who told his children that when Russian Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky tried to warn the Jews of Europe to leave before WWII, no one would listen to him. In many cases, he was barred from even speaking.
She recommends keeping an open mind. “You need to listen to people, no matter how crazy it sounds. You listen because crazy things happen in this world. Personally,” Yonah told Breaking Israel News, “I’ve heard these predictions throughout the years. I don’t believe the dates. I like to listen. I want to be open. But I’m of the school of ‘let’s wait and see.’”
“I think we have a bit more time. There are scenarios that need to mature. I think that we’re close. Anyone who believes in the Torah and the Bible can see that we’re in the End of Days period, but my opinion is that it’s not going to happen in the next three weeks.”
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